This series tells the story of Ying Ying, an unpopular net idol who is about go down on her luck after being caught a liar by her fans from a video clip. Apart from helping herself to survive, she also needs to help her childhood best friend, Noina, who is now the creditor of her own debts. Noina was told by a fortuneteller that she’s going to get married this year. Looking around, she found Doctor Korn, who is flawlessly perfect with a handsome face and a great career life, is the one and only person who's suitable for her. The only problem is that in the next 46 days, he is going to get married to his girlfriend, Wisa, a princess-like celebrity. But it seems like Ying Ying and Noina have found out that this bride-to-be is hiding a secret.
46 Days Episode 1
This series tells the story of Ying Ying, an unpopular net idol who is about go down on her luck after being caught a liar by her fans from a video clip. Apart from helping herself to survive, she also needs to help her childhood best friend, Noina, who is now the creditor of her own debts. Noina was told by a fortuneteller that she’s going to get married this year. Looking around, she found Doctor Korn, who is flawlessly perfect with a handsome face and a great career life, is the one and only person who's suitable for her. The only problem is that in the next 46 days, he is going to get married to his girlfriend, Wisa, a princess-like celebrity. But it seems like Ying Ying and Noina have found out that this bride-to-be is hiding a secret.
46 Days Episode 2
This series tells the story of Ying Ying, an unpopular net idol who is about go down on her luck after being caught a liar by her fans from a video clip. Apart from helping herself to survive, she also needs to help her childhood best friend, Noina, who is now the creditor of her own debts. Noina was told by a fortuneteller that she’s going to get married this year. Looking around, she found Doctor Korn, who is flawlessly perfect with a handsome face and a great career life, is the one and only person who's suitable for her. The only problem is that in the next 46 days, he is going to get married to his girlfriend, Wisa, a princess-like celebrity. But it seems like Ying Ying and Noina have found out that this bride-to-be is hiding a secret.
46 Days Episode 3
This series tells the story of Ying Ying, an unpopular net idol who is about go down on her luck after being caught a liar by her fans from a video clip. Apart from helping herself to survive, she also needs to help her childhood best friend, Noina, who is now the creditor of her own debts. Noina was told by a fortuneteller that she’s going to get married this year. Looking around, she found Doctor Korn, who is flawlessly perfect with a handsome face and a great career life, is the one and only person who's suitable for her. The only problem is that in the next 46 days, he is going to get married to his girlfriend, Wisa, a princess-like celebrity. But it seems like Ying Ying and Noina have found out that this bride-to-be is hiding a secret.
46 Days Episode 4
This series tells the story of Ying Ying, an unpopular net idol who is about go down on her luck after being caught a liar by her fans from a video clip. Apart from helping herself to survive, she also needs to help her childhood best friend, Noina, who is now the creditor of her own debts. Noina was told by a fortuneteller that she’s going to get married this year. Looking around, she found Doctor Korn, who is flawlessly perfect with a handsome face and a great career life, is the one and only person who's suitable for her. The only problem is that in the next 46 days, he is going to get married to his girlfriend, Wisa, a princess-like celebrity. But it seems like Ying Ying and Noina have found out that this bride-to-be is hiding a secret.
46 Days Episode 5
This series tells the story of Ying Ying, an unpopular net idol who is about go down on her luck after being caught a liar by her fans from a video clip. Apart from helping herself to survive, she also needs to help her childhood best friend, Noina, who is now the creditor of her own debts. Noina was told by a fortuneteller that she’s going to get married this year. Looking around, she found Doctor Korn, who is flawlessly perfect with a handsome face and a great career life, is the one and only person who's suitable for her. The only problem is that in the next 46 days, he is going to get married to his girlfriend, Wisa, a princess-like celebrity. But it seems like Ying Ying and Noina have found out that this bride-to-be is hiding a secret.
46 Days Episode 6
This series tells the story of Ying Ying, an unpopular net idol who is about go down on her luck after being caught a liar by her fans from a video clip. Apart from helping herself to survive, she also needs to help her childhood best friend, Noina, who is now the creditor of her own debts. Noina was told by a fortuneteller that she’s going to get married this year. Looking around, she found Doctor Korn, who is flawlessly perfect with a handsome face and a great career life, is the one and only person who's suitable for her. The only problem is that in the next 46 days, he is going to get married to his girlfriend, Wisa, a princess-like celebrity. But it seems like Ying Ying and Noina have found out that this bride-to-be is hiding a secret.
46 Days Episode 7
This series tells the story of Ying Ying, an unpopular net idol who is about go down on her luck after being caught a liar by her fans from a video clip. Apart from helping herself to survive, she also needs to help her childhood best friend, Noina, who is now the creditor of her own debts. Noina was told by a fortuneteller that she’s going to get married this year. Looking around, she found Doctor Korn, who is flawlessly perfect with a handsome face and a great career life, is the one and only person who's suitable for her. The only problem is that in the next 46 days, he is going to get married to his girlfriend, Wisa, a princess-like celebrity. But it seems like Ying Ying and Noina have found out that this bride-to-be is hiding a secret.
46 Days Episode 8
This series tells the story of Ying Ying, an unpopular net idol who is about go down on her luck after being caught a liar by her fans from a video clip. Apart from helping herself to survive, she also needs to help her childhood best friend, Noina, who is now the creditor of her own debts. Noina was told by a fortuneteller that she’s going to get married this year. Looking around, she found Doctor Korn, who is flawlessly perfect with a handsome face and a great career life, is the one and only person who's suitable for her. The only problem is that in the next 46 days, he is going to get married to his girlfriend, Wisa, a princess-like celebrity. But it seems like Ying Ying and Noina have found out that this bride-to-be is hiding a secret.
46 Days Episode 9
This series tells the story of Ying Ying, an unpopular net idol who is about go down on her luck after being caught a liar by her fans from a video clip. Apart from helping herself to survive, she also needs to help her childhood best friend, Noina, who is now the creditor of her own debts. Noina was told by a fortuneteller that she’s going to get married this year. Looking around, she found Doctor Korn, who is flawlessly perfect with a handsome face and a great career life, is the one and only person who's suitable for her. The only problem is that in the next 46 days, he is going to get married to his girlfriend, Wisa, a princess-like celebrity. But it seems like Ying Ying and Noina have found out that this bride-to-be is hiding a secret.
46 Days Episode 10
This series tells the story of Ying Ying, an unpopular net idol who is about go down on her luck after being caught a liar by her fans from a video clip. Apart from helping herself to survive, she also needs to help her childhood best friend, Noina, who is now the creditor of her own debts. Noina was told by a fortuneteller that she’s going to get married this year. Looking around, she found Doctor Korn, who is flawlessly perfect with a handsome face and a great career life, is the one and only person who's suitable for her. The only problem is that in the next 46 days, he is going to get married to his girlfriend, Wisa, a princess-like celebrity. But it seems like Ying Ying and Noina have found out that this bride-to-be is hiding a secret.
46 Days Episode 11
This series tells the story of Ying Ying, an unpopular net idol who is about go down on her luck after being caught a liar by her fans from a video clip. Apart from helping herself to survive, she also needs to help her childhood best friend, Noina, who is now the creditor of her own debts. Noina was told by a fortuneteller that she’s going to get married this year. Looking around, she found Doctor Korn, who is flawlessly perfect with a handsome face and a great career life, is the one and only person who's suitable for her. The only problem is that in the next 46 days, he is going to get married to his girlfriend, Wisa, a princess-like celebrity. But it seems like Ying Ying and Noina have found out that this bride-to-be is hiding a secret.
46 Days Episode 12
This series tells the story of Ying Ying, an unpopular net idol who is about go down on her luck after being caught a liar by her fans from a video clip. Apart from helping herself to survive, she also needs to help her childhood best friend, Noina, who is now the creditor of her own debts. Noina was told by a fortuneteller that she’s going to get married this year. Looking around, she found Doctor Korn, who is flawlessly perfect with a handsome face and a great career life, is the one and only person who's suitable for her. The only problem is that in the next 46 days, he is going to get married to his girlfriend, Wisa, a princess-like celebrity. But it seems like Ying Ying and Noina have found out that this bride-to-be is hiding a secret.
46 Days Episode 13
This series tells the story of Ying Ying, an unpopular net idol who is about go down on her luck after being caught a liar by her fans from a video clip. Apart from helping herself to survive, she also needs to help her childhood best friend, Noina, who is now the creditor of her own debts. Noina was told by a fortuneteller that she’s going to get married this year. Looking around, she found Doctor Korn, who is flawlessly perfect with a handsome face and a great career life, is the one and only person who's suitable for her. The only problem is that in the next 46 days, he is going to get married to his girlfriend, Wisa, a princess-like celebrity. But it seems like Ying Ying and Noina have found out that this bride-to-be is hiding a secret.
46 Days Episode 14
This series tells the story of Ying Ying, an unpopular net idol who is about go down on her luck after being caught a liar by her fans from a video clip. Apart from helping herself to survive, she also needs to help her childhood best friend, Noina, who is now the creditor of her own debts. Noina was told by a fortuneteller that she’s going to get married this year. Looking around, she found Doctor Korn, who is flawlessly perfect with a handsome face and a great career life, is the one and only person who's suitable for her. The only problem is that in the next 46 days, he is going to get married to his girlfriend, Wisa, a princess-like celebrity. But it seems like Ying Ying and Noina have found out that this bride-to-be is hiding a secret.
46 Days Episode 15
This series tells the story of Ying Ying, an unpopular net idol who is about go down on her luck after being caught a liar by her fans from a video clip. Apart from helping herself to survive, she also needs to help her childhood best friend, Noina, who is now the creditor of her own debts. Noina was told by a fortuneteller that she’s going to get married this year. Looking around, she found Doctor Korn, who is flawlessly perfect with a handsome face and a great career life, is the one and only person who's suitable for her. The only problem is that in the next 46 days, he is going to get married to his girlfriend, Wisa, a princess-like celebrity. But it seems like Ying Ying and Noina have found out that this bride-to-be is hiding a secret.
46 Days Episode 16
This series tells the story of Ying Ying, an unpopular net idol who is about go down on her luck after being caught a liar by her fans from a video clip. Apart from helping herself to survive, she also needs to help her childhood best friend, Noina, who is now the creditor of her own debts. Noina was told by a fortuneteller that she’s going to get married this year. Looking around, she found Doctor Korn, who is flawlessly perfect with a handsome face and a great career life, is the one and only person who's suitable for her. The only problem is that in the next 46 days, he is going to get married to his girlfriend, Wisa, a princess-like celebrity. But it seems like Ying Ying and Noina have found out that this bride-to-be is hiding a secret.
46 Days Episode 17
This series tells the story of Ying Ying, an unpopular net idol who is about go down on her luck after being caught a liar by her fans from a video clip. Apart from helping herself to survive, she also needs to help her childhood best friend, Noina, who is now the creditor of her own debts. Noina was told by a fortuneteller that she’s going to get married this year. Looking around, she found Doctor Korn, who is flawlessly perfect with a handsome face and a great career life, is the one and only person who's suitable for her. The only problem is that in the next 46 days, he is going to get married to his girlfriend, Wisa, a princess-like celebrity. But it seems like Ying Ying and Noina have found out that this bride-to-be is hiding a secret.
46 Days Episode 18end
This series tells the story of Ying Ying, an unpopular net idol who is about go down on her luck after being caught a liar by her fans from a video clip. Apart from helping herself to survive, she also needs to help her childhood best friend, Noina, who is now the creditor of her own debts. Noina was told by a fortuneteller that she’s going to get married this year. Looking around, she found Doctor Korn, who is flawlessly perfect with a handsome face and a great career life, is the one and only person who's suitable for her. The only problem is that in the next 46 days, he is going to get married to his girlfriend, Wisa, a princess-like celebrity. But it seems like Ying Ying and Noina have found out that this bride-to-be is hiding a secret.