A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos and instability as wars range the land. Through the alliance held once every seven years, the Wu State returns to a position of power which leaves the three states Ye, Qing and Su at a dangerous disadvantage. Ding Ning is a young man afflicted with a chronic illness, yet he moves into action to shake the invincible Wu State and shocks the world of jianghu with his extraordinary feats to achieve immortal cultivation.
Sword Dynasty episode 1
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos and instability as wars range the land. Through the alliance held once every seven years, the Wu State returns to a position of power which leaves the three states Ye, Qing and Su at a dangerous disadvantage. Ding Ning is a young man afflicted with a chronic illness, yet he moves into action to shake the invincible Wu State and shocks the world of jianghu with his extraordinary feats to achieve immortal cultivation.
Sword Dynasty episode 2
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos and instability as wars range the land. Through the alliance held once every seven years, the Wu State returns to a position of power which leaves the three states Ye, Qing and Su at a dangerous disadvantage. Ding Ning is a young man afflicted with a chronic illness, yet he moves into action to shake the invincible Wu State and shocks the world of jianghu with his extraordinary feats to achieve immortal cultivation.
Sword Dynasty episode 3
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos and instability as wars range the land. Through the alliance held once every seven years, the Wu State returns to a position of power which leaves the three states Ye, Qing and Su at a dangerous disadvantage. Ding Ning is a young man afflicted with a chronic illness, yet he moves into action to shake the invincible Wu State and shocks the world of jianghu with his extraordinary feats to achieve immortal cultivation.
Sword Dynasty episode 4
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos and instability as wars range the land. Through the alliance held once every seven years, the Wu State returns to a position of power which leaves the three states Ye, Qing and Su at a dangerous disadvantage. Ding Ning is a young man afflicted with a chronic illness, yet he moves into action to shake the invincible Wu State and shocks the world of jianghu with his extraordinary feats to achieve immortal cultivation.
Sword Dynasty episode 5
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos
Sword Dynasty episode 6
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos
Sword Dynasty episode 7
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos
Sword Dynasty episode 8
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos and instability as wars range the land. Through the alliance held once every seven years, the Wu State returns to a position of power which leaves the three states Ye, Qing and Su at a dangerous disadvantage. Ding Ning is a young man afflicted with a chronic illness, yet he moves into action to shake the invincible Wu State and shocks the world of jianghu with his extraordinary feats to achieve immortal cultivation.
Sword Dynasty episode 9
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos and instability as wars range the land. Through the alliance held once every seven years, the Wu State returns to a position of power which leaves the three states Ye, Qing and Su at a dangerous disadvantage. Ding Ning is a young man afflicted with a chronic illness, yet he moves into action to shake the invincible Wu State and shocks the world of jianghu with his extraordinary feats to achieve immortal cultivation.
Sword Dynasty episode 10
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos and instability as wars range the land. Through the alliance held once every seven years, the Wu State returns to a position of power which leaves the three states Ye, Qing and Su at a dangerous disadvantage. Ding Ning is a young man afflicted with a chronic illness, yet he moves into action to shake the invincible Wu State and shocks the world of jianghu with his extraordinary feats to achieve immortal cultivation.
Sword Dynasty episode 11
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the
Sword Dynasty episode 12
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the
Sword Dynasty episode 13
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos and instability as wars range the land. Through the alliance held once every seven years, the Wu State returns to a position of power which leaves the three states Ye, Qing and Su at a dangerous disadvantage. Ding Ning is a young man afflicted with a chronic illness, yet he moves into action to shake the invincible Wu State and shocks the world of jianghu with his extraordinary feats to achieve immortal cultivation.
Sword Dynasty episode 14
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the
Sword Dynasty episode 15
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the
Sword Dynasty episode 16
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos
Sword Dynasty episode 17
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos and instability as wars range the land. Through the alliance held once every seven years, the Wu State returns to a position of power which leaves the three states Ye, Qing and Su at a dangerous disadvantage. Ding Ning is a young man afflicted with a chronic illness, yet he moves into action to shake the invincible Wu State and shocks the world of jianghu with his extraordinary feats to achieve immortal cultivation.
Sword Dynasty episode 18
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos and instability as wars range the land. Through the alliance held once every seven years, the Wu State returns to a position of power which leaves the three states Ye, Qing and Su at a dangerous disadvantage. Ding Ning is a young man afflicted with a chronic illness, yet he moves into action to shake the invincible Wu State and shocks the world of jianghu with his extraordinary feats to achieve immortal cultivation.
Sword Dynasty episode 19
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos
Sword Dynasty episode 20
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos
Sword Dynasty episode 21
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos
Sword Dynasty episode 22
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos
Sword Dynasty episode 23
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos
Sword Dynasty episode 24
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the
Sword Dynasty episode 25
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the
Sword Dynasty episode 26
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at
Sword Dynasty episode 27
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at
Sword Dynasty episode 27
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at
Sword Dynasty episode 27
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at
Sword Dynasty episode 28
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at
Sword Dynasty episode 29
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at
Sword Dynasty episode 30
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at
Sword Dynasty episode 31
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at
Sword Dynasty episode 32
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at
Sword Dynasty episode 33
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos and instability as wars range the land. Through the alliance held once every seven years, the Wu State returns to a position of power which leaves the three states Ye, Qing and Su at a dangerous disadvantage. Ding Ning is a young man afflicted with a chronic illness, yet he moves into action to shake the invincible Wu State and shocks the world of jianghu with his extraordinary feats to achieve immortal cultivation.
Sword Dynasty episode 34 end
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos and instability as wars range the land. Through the alliance held once every seven years, the Wu State returns to a position of power which leaves the three states Ye, Qing and Su at a dangerous disadvantage. Ding Ning is a young man afflicted with a chronic illness, yet he moves into action to shake the invincible Wu State and shocks the world of jianghu with his extraordinary feats to achieve immortal cultivation.
Sword Dynasty episode 34 end
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos and instability as wars range the land. Through the alliance held once every seven years, the Wu State returns to a position of power which leaves the three states Ye, Qing and Su at a dangerous disadvantage. Ding Ning is a young man afflicted with a chronic illness, yet he moves into action to shake the invincible Wu State and shocks the world of jianghu with his extraordinary feats to achieve immortal cultivation.
Hello thank 4 yo work
But u only upload videos in high format
My dearest season 2 Am requesting