Beyond the Realm of Conscience is a 2009 Hong Kong television series. Produced by Mui Siu-ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week on the TVB network with 45-minute episodes starting October 19, 2009. Set in the latter years of the Tang Dynasty, Beyond the Realm of Conscience tells the story of palace maid Lau Sam-ho and her relations in the Imperial Palace, beginning with her experiences in the Imperial Household Bureau. The series title roughly means "Plots in the Palace" and is a play on the phrase, a homonym which roughly means "Plots that target and attack the heart".
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 1
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week on the TVB network with 45-minute episodes starting October 19, 2009. Set in the latter years of the Tang Dynasty, Beyond the Realm of Conscience tells the story of palace maid Lau Sam-ho and her relations in the Imperial Palace, beginning with her experiences in the Imperial Household Bureau. The series title roughly means "Plots in the Palace" and is a play on the phrase, a homonym which roughly means "Plots that target and attack the heart".
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 2
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 3
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week on the TVB network with 45-minute episodes starting October 19, 2009. Set in the latter years of the Tang Dynasty, Beyond the Realm of Conscience tells the story of palace maid Lau Sam-ho and her relations in the Imperial Palace, beginning with her experiences in the Imperial Household Bureau. The series title roughly means "Plots in the Palace" and is a play on the phrase, a homonym which roughly means "Plots that target and attack the heart".
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 4
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week on the TVB network with 45-minute episodes starting October 19, 2009. Set in the latter years of the Tang Dynasty, Beyond the Realm of Conscience tells the story of palace maid Lau Sam-ho and her relations in the Imperial Palace, beginning with her experiences in the Imperial Household Bureau. The series title roughly means "Plots in the Palace" and is a play on the phrase, a homonym which roughly means "Plots that target and attack the heart".
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 5
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 6
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week on the TVB network with 45-minute episodes starting October 19, 2009. Set in the latter years of the Tang Dynasty, Beyond the Realm of Conscience tells the story of palace maid Lau Sam-ho and her relations in the Imperial Palace, beginning with her experiences in the Imperial Household Bureau. The series title roughly means "Plots in the Palace" and is a play on the phrase, a homonym which roughly means "Plots that target and attack the heart".
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 7
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 8
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 9
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week on the TVB network with 45-minute episodes starting October 19, 2009. Set in the latter years of the Tang Dynasty, Beyond the Realm of Conscience tells the story of palace maid Lau Sam-ho and her relations in the Imperial Palace, beginning with her experiences in the Imperial Household Bureau. The series title roughly means "Plots in the Palace" and is a play on the phrase, a homonym which roughly means "Plots that target and attack the heart".
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 10
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week on the TVB network with 45-minute episodes starting October 19, 2009. Set in the latter years of the Tang Dynasty, Beyond the Realm of Conscience tells the story of palace maid Lau Sam-ho and her relations in the Imperial Palace, beginning with her experiences in the Imperial Household Bureau. The series title roughly means "Plots in the Palace" and is a play on the phrase, a homonym which roughly means "Plots that target and attack the heart".
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 11
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 12
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week on the TVB network with 45-minute episodes starting October 19, 2009. Set in the latter years of the Tang Dynasty, Beyond the Realm of Conscience tells the story of palace maid Lau Sam-ho and her relations in the Imperial Palace, beginning with her experiences in the Imperial Household Bureau. The series title roughly means "Plots in the Palace" and is a play on the phrase, a homonym which roughly means "Plots that target and attack the heart".
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 13
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 14
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week on the TVB network with 45-minute episodes starting October 19, 2009. Set in the latter years of the Tang Dynasty, Beyond the Realm of Conscience tells the story of palace maid Lau Sam-ho and her relations in the Imperial Palace, beginning with her experiences in the Imperial Household Bureau. The series title roughly means "Plots in the Palace" and is a play on the phrase, a homonym which roughly means "Plots that target and attack the heart".
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 15
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a wee
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 16
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 17
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week on the TVB network with 45-minute episodes starting October 19, 2009. Set in the latter years of the Tang Dynasty, Beyond the Realm of Conscience tells the story of palace maid Lau Sam-ho and her relations in the Imperial Palace, beginning with her experiences in the Imperial Household Bureau. The series title roughly means "Plots in the Palace" and is a play on the phrase, a homonym which roughly means "Plots that target and attack the heart".
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 18
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 19
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 20
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 21
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week on the TVB network with 45-minute episodes
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 23
hing, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week on the TVB network with 45-minute episodes
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 24
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 25
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week on the TVB network with 45-minute episodes starting October 19, 2009. Set in the latter years of the Tang Dynasty, Beyond the Realm of Conscience tells the story of palace maid Lau Sam-ho and her relations in the Imperial Palace, beginning with her experiences in the Imperial Household Bureau. The series title roughly means "Plots in the Palace" and is a play on the phrase, a homonym which roughly means "Plots that target and attack the heart".
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 26
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week on the TVB network with 45-minute epi
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 27
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 28
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 29
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week on the TVB network with 45-minute episodes
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 30
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 31
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 32
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week
Beyond the Realm of Conscience episode 33
ching, the serial is one of the two grand TVB productions to celebrate along with the channel's 42nd anniversary, the other being Born Rich. The drama aired five days a week