A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 1
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 2
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 3
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 4
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 5
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 6
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 7
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 8
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 9
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 10
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 11
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 12
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 13
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 14
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 15
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 16
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 17
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 18
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 19
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 20
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 21
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 22
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 23
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 24
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 25
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 26
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 27
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 28-29
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 30
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 31
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Uncanny Counter episode 32
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.