A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 1
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 2
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 3
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 4
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 5
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 6
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 6
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 7
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 8
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 9
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 10
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 11
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 12
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 13
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 14
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 15
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 16
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 17
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 18
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 19
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 20
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 21
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 22
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 23
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 24
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 25
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 26
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 27
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 28
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 29
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 30
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 31
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 32
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 33
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 34
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 35
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 36
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 37
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 38
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 39
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
You Are My Hero Episode 40end
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.