When mysterious alien spheres start invading the world, high school students are called upon to join the world’s first war against extraterrestrial forces.
Duty After School episode 1
When mysterious alien spheres start invading the world, high school students are called upon to join the world’s first war against extraterrestrial forces.
Duty After School episode 2
When mysterious alien spheres start invading the world, high school students are called upon to join the world’s first war against extraterrestrial forces.
Duty After School episode 3
When mysterious alien spheres start invading the world, high school students are called upon to join the world’s first war against extraterrestrial forces.
Duty After School episode 4
When mysterious alien spheres start invading the world, high school students are called upon to join the world’s first war against extraterrestrial forces.
Duty After School Episode 5
When mysterious alien spheres start invading the world, high school students are called upon to join the world’s first war against extraterrestrial forces.
Duty After School Episode 6
When mysterious alien spheres start invading the world, high school students are called upon to join the world’s first war against extraterrestrial forces.
Duty After School Episode 7
When mysterious alien spheres start invading the world, high school students are called upon to join the world’s first war against extraterrestrial forces.
Duty After School Episode 8
When mysterious alien spheres start invading the world, high school students are called upon to join the world’s first war against extraterrestrial forces.
Duty After School Episode 9
When mysterious alien spheres start invading the world, high school students are called upon to join the world’s first war against extraterrestrial forces.
Duty After School Episode 10
When mysterious alien spheres start invading the world, high school students are called upon to join the world’s first war against extraterrestrial forces.