The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown prince whose brother had staged a coup and driven him out of the palace. He also joins up with the master's daughter to aid the former crown prince.
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 1
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown prince whose brother had staged a coup and driven him out of the palace. He also joins up with the master's daughter to aid the former crown prince.
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 2
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown prince whose brother had staged a coup and driven him out of the palace. He also joins up with the master's daughter to aid the former crown prince.
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 3
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown prince whose brother had staged a coup and driven him out of the palace. He also joins up with the master's daughter to aid the former crown prince.
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 4
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 5
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 6
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 7
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 8
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 9
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 10
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown prince whose brother had staged a coup and driven him out of the palace. He also joins up with the master's daughter to aid the former crown prince.
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 11
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown prince whose brother had staged a coup and driven him out of the palace. He also joins up with the master's daughter to aid the former crown prince.
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 12
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 13
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 14
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 15
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 16
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 17
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 18
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 19
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 20
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 21
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 22
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 23
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 24
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 25
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 26
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 27
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 28
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 29
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 30
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 31
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 32
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 33
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 34
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crow
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 35
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 36
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 37
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 38
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 39
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 40
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 41
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 42
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 43
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 44
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 45
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 46
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 47
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 48
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 49
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 50
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 51
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
God of Lost Fantasy Episode 52
The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown
It is awesome