An enigmatic magician living in an abandoned amusement park introduces magic into the life of a high schooler struggling with harsh realities.
Sound of Magic episode 1
An enigmatic magician living in an abandoned amusement park introduces magic into the life of a high schooler struggling with harsh realities.
Sound of Magic episode 2
An enigmatic magician living in an abandoned amusement park introduces magic into the life of a high schooler struggling with harsh realities.
Sound of Magic episode 3
An enigmatic magician living in an abandoned amusement park introduces magic into the life of a high schooler struggling with harsh realities.
Sound of Magic episode 4
An enigmatic magician living in an abandoned amusement park introduces magic into the life of a high schooler struggling with harsh realities.
Sound of Magic episode 5
An enigmatic magician living in an abandoned amusement park introduces magic into the life of a high schooler struggling with harsh realities.
Sound of Magic episode 6
An enigmatic magician living in an abandoned amusement park introduces magic into the life of a high schooler struggling with harsh realities.
Sound of Magic episode 7
An enigmatic magician living in an abandoned amusement park introduces magic into the life of a high schooler struggling with harsh realities.
Sound of Magic episode 8
An enigmatic magician living in an abandoned amusement park introduces magic into the life of a high schooler struggling with harsh realities.
Sound of Magic episode 9
An enigmatic magician living in an abandoned amusement park introduces magic into the life of a high schooler struggling with harsh realities.
Sound of Magic episode 10
An enigmatic magician living in an abandoned amusement park introduces magic into the life of a high schooler struggling with harsh realities.
Sound of Magic episode 11
An enigmatic magician living in an abandoned amusement park introduces magic into the life of a high schooler struggling with harsh realities.
Sound of Magic episode 12
An enigmatic magician living in an abandoned amusement park introduces magic into the life of a high schooler struggling with harsh realities.